Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Japanese Possessive Adjectives 日本の所有格形容詞

Japanese Possessive Adjectives 日本の所有格形容詞

The possessive adjectives are my, your, his, her, its, our, their, and whose. A possessive adjective sits before a noun (or a pronoun) to show who or what owns it.

所有格形容詞は、my、your、his、her、its、our、their、whose. 所有格形容詞は、名詞(または代名詞)の前にあり、所有者または所有者を示します。

Adjectives 形容詞
Possessive Adjectives 所有格形容詞

The Japanese language has different ways of expressing the possessive relation. There are several "verbal possessive" forms based on verbs with the sense of "to possess" or "to have" or "to own". An alternative is the use of the particle no (の) between two nouns or noun phrases.

Some Sentence Examples: いくつかの文の例:

ジョンさんが車を所有している John-san ga kuruma wo shoyuushite iru: "John has a car" (lit. "John car possess be.")

ジョンさんが犬を飼っている(持っている) John-san ga inu wo motte iru: "John has a dog" (lit. "John dog hold be.").

watashi no te
私の手 me NO hand
'My hand.'

jon no kuruma
  ジョンの車 John NO car
'John's car.'

watashi no inu no beddo...
  私のいぬのベッド me NO dog NO bed...
'My dog's bed...'

watashi no okasan
  私のお母さん me NO mother
'My mother.'

jon no ani
  ジョンの兄 John NO big brother
'John's big brother'

kore wa jon no mono desu
  これはジョンの物です this SUB John NO one COP
‘This is John’s one.’

kore wa jon no Ø desu
  これはジョンの~です this SUB John NO Ø COP
‘This is John’s.’

kore wa merii no Ø desu ga, are wa jon Ø desu
  これはメリーの~ですがあれはジョン~です this SUB Mary NO Ø COP but, that SUB John Ø COP
‘This is Mary’s, but that is John’s.’

watashi ga hoshii no wa merii no Ø desu
  me SUB want NOM OBJ Mary NO Ø COP
‘What I want is Mary’s.’

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